The leading World psychologist Feud had analyzed and divided the mind into four types - consciousness, unconsciousness, subconsciousness and inner consciousness. Feud's psychology says that desire, lust, attraction only go away when these negative feelings are fulfilled but when they are not fulfilled the mind gets disappointed. The person feels tensed and suffers from complex, which affects the whole personality of the person. It is necessary to remove desire, lust and attraction for a healthy brain.
Gita's psychology says that when they are fulfilled then they are not removed but subside for sometime or become calm, they leave their impressions and as a result they arise once again. The cycle rotates and does not stop. Gita says that desire and lusts do not die if they are fulfilled.
With this example, the learned readers can understand as to who's psychology is more closer to the truth, practical and appropriate; Lord Krishna's or Feud's philosophy. If Feud's psychology were true then today the people leading materialistic life would not have suffered from tension, depression, loneliness, disappointment and other mental diseases. But the experience and figures show that the countries, which have freedom of enjoyment, suffer mental diseases most.
Gita's psychology is not just philosophy. Gita contains easy and practical methods to control desires, lust and attraction, which are psychological, appropriate and practical. Gita's psychology says that desires and lust are not destroyed when fulfilled. It says that as the Sunrays outshine the light of an earthen lamp in the same way the high thoughts defuse the lust, desires and attractions.
Gita says that in order to calm down this anxiety either the person has to lead a selfless life free of aspirations, lust and attractions or lead a life with some high aspiration. High aspiration is thinking of God or selfless service of the society. Gita calls this as Yagya. Whatever else we do other than Yagya leads to attachments.
It has been told in Gita that what are the factors for destruction The following two Shlokas narrate the destruction of mind:
dhyayato visayan pumsah
sangas tesupajayate
sangat sanjayate kamah
kamat krodho ’bhijayate
"While contemplating the objects of the senses, a person develops attachment for them, and from such attachment lust develops, and from lust anger arises."
krodhad bhavati sammohah
sammohat smriti-vibhramah
smriti-bhramsad buddhi-naso
buddhi-nasat pranasyati
"From anger, complete delusion arises, and from delusion bewilderment of memory. When memory is bewildered, intelligence is lost, and when intelligence is lost one falls down again into the material pool."
Lord Shri Krishna is the greatest psychologist, who told the mankind that there are eight stages of destruction of man, which begin from subjects and end with destruction. These stages are concentration, company, sex, anger, relations, deviation of the mind, destruction of intelligence and destruction. We can come out of this process of destruction or walk on the path of destruction and ruin our life completely.
A thief commits theft, a liar speaks lies. If a person does not have aspirations, desires and lust then why will anybody commit theft unnecessarily, why will anybody speak lies. Gita is totally scientific, thoughtful, acceptable and recognized in the whole world. This is definite that desire, lust, aspirations, thirst destroys the person.