Our greatest success

Los Angeles - July, 1971
By His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

He (Lord Caitanya) was traveling in South India. He saw one brahmana reading Bhagavad-gita. And persons who knew him, that "That man was illiterate," it was not possible for him to read Bhagavad-gita... But still, he was trying to read it, and crying also. So while others were criticizing, Caitanya Mahaprabhu came to him,

 "Brahmana, what you are reading?" So he could understand that "This person, He's not come here to criticize me. He's serious." So he talked seriously, "Sir, I am reading Bhagavad-gita. Unfortunately, I am illiterate." Now see. He is illiterate and he is reading Bhagavad-gita.

Caitanya Mahaprabhu inquired that "How is that, you're reading Bhagavad-gita and you say you are illiterate?" He said, "Yes, actually I am illiterate, but my Guru Maharaja asked me that 'You should read every day eighteen chapters.' So what can I do? (laughter) I have to carry out the order of my spiritual master. So I have simply taken this book. I am seeing it."

Caitanya Mahaprabhu said, "Oh, you are not seeing it, simply. You are crying also." "Yes, Sir, I am crying also." "Then if you are not reading, how you are crying?" "Sir, I am not reading, but I'm feeling." "What is that?"

"As soon as I take this Bhagavad-gita in my hand, immediately I feel Krsna and Arjuna sitting on the same chariot, and Arjuna is ordering Krsna that 'You drive my chariot between the two soldiers,' and Krsna is driving. So I am simply feeling how Krsna is nice, that He can work as a servant of His devotee. When I feel like that, I cry, how Krsna is so kind."

Caitanya Mahaprabhu immediately embraced him, that "You are really studying Bhagavad-gita."

So unless we develop our love for Krsna, there is no meaning of reading. And if we can develop our love for Krsna just like this brahmana, even without reading any book, that is wanted. That is wanted. Mayy asakta-manah. Therefore Krsna also confirms, mayy asakta-manah, "Simply by increasing attachment for Me." ...If you simply understand Krsna, then everything will be understood. Because Krsna is everything, God is everything. To understand Krsna, simply this attachment... Mayy asakta-manah...So the whole process is to increase our feeling of love for Krsna. That is required. Not anything else...

Everyone is working to get some result. That is called fruitive activities. So a pure devotee has no such desires. He has no other desires. Anukulyena krsnanu-silanam. Their only business is how to please Krsna. That can be done by everyone, if he wants. ...So if we want to love Krsna, Krsna will let us know. Krsna is within you. Simply we have to decide that we shall love Krsna only. That is wanted. Then everything is there. ...If you do not love, do not develop your love for God or Krsna, then what is the use of your philosophizing and scientific knowledge?...

Caitanya Mahaprabhu recommends this. Prema pumartho mahan. Our greatest success of life is how to love God, Krsna. That is greatest success. Now you can do it.


Arjunacharya was writing a commentary on Bhagvad Gita, and it came to the Shloka where Lord Krishna says, "He carries what we have and provides what we lack." How is that Lord will come Himself and deliver the goods? Oh, it is not possible. He might be sending through some agents. Let me change His words from "I bear the burden and deliver."and instead write "I send some agent who delivers." After some time, I shall go and take bath now. In the meantime, two very beautiful boys came with a cart full of highly valuable items like fruits, grains, ghee and vegetables. Arjunacharya's wife was there at home. My dear mother, Arjunacharya has sent these goods to you. Please take delivery. Arjuncharya's wife :-Oh, You are so beautiful boys, and he has given these items to you to get it there? Arjunacharya is not so cruel. How is that he has given so much burden to you???? Boys: He asked us to carry on our heads, How can we carry so much? I refused to carry on my head, so he has beaten me. Arjunacharya's wife:- Arjunacharya is not so cruel. How he has become so cruel? Ok, take some food stuffs now. Boys : We have to go now, if he will come then he will chastise us. Arjunacharya's wife:- No, no. You sit down, I will prepare foodstuffs for you. Arjunacharya returns after taking bath..... Arjunacharya's wife:- Acharya, you have become so much cruel nowadays ? Arjunacharya , Oh, what is that ??? Arjunacharya's wife :- Two boys, very nice boys, they have brought so many foodstuffs. You loaded on their head and they denied to take it and you have beaten them chastised? Arjunacharya No. I have never done this. Why shall i do it???? Then Arjunacharya understood that Oh My Lord is so great !! He has shown that He actually personally bears the burden and delivers the goods ! Because I cut his alphabets, He has shown that beating mark. MORAL : Krishna's property is unlimited we cannot understand his power by our infinitesimal intelligence. He expands himself to interact with each & every spirit soul personally.
